
Tuesday 27 August 2013

Summer Self Evaluation

Wow! I am absolutely horrible at following through with things.  I don’t know what’s wrong with my brain.  I start with all the best intention the world, but things just seem to fall through.  As such, I identified a few problem areas...
problem areas.

  • INDECISIVENESS I don’t have one singe clear goal; instead I have lots of half-assed goals.  In true Libra fashion, I can't make a decision for the life of me.
  • PERFECTIONISM I like when things are perfect.  I always wait for the perfect time to start something, but 99% of the time there is no perfect time. I need to learn to adapt and accommodate.  I'm the girl that uses 5 pages of notebook paper because I don't like how I wrote the header.  In elementary school I would take 2 copies of every worksheet (just in case I didn't like my handwriting)
  • ALL-OR-NOTHING MENTALITY If I mess up or “cheat”  I consider it a failure and give up altogether.  I think this goes hand-in-hand with perfectionism.  I definitely don’t try to do this.  I try to keep my standards realistic. It's just so hard.
  • LAZINESS This is a big one; also a self-explanatory one.  I'm too lazy to elaborate...
  • UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS I expect too much, too fast – I don't necessarily expect overnight results, but if I don't see results in a week, I definitely get discouraged/frustrated/down-on-myself.
  • PROCRASTINATION I put things off. "Oh I’ll start going to the gym next week" ..."My diet starts Monday" ..."Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow" ...I put things off so often that half the time I never get around to starting
  • IMPULSIVENESS I tend to act before I think.  Cookie in front of me? Don’ mind if I do… Trendy dress?  Yes please, I'm sure I'll find an excuse to wear eventually (note: I usually don't) ...Do I want to go to the bar on a Tuesday night before an exam? Hell yeah I do, YOLO... It's bad. Real bad.
  • SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS I constantly feel like I'm being judged because I'm always judging myself.  I hate my nose, my hair, my tummy, my scars.  The list goes on and on and on... I never feel worthy of a cute guys attention, I'm super awkward in social situations, and I can't help but think that people wish they were hanging out with someone funner/cooler/prettier than me.  Out of all the things I dislike about myself, I hate my lack of confidence the most. It's a major fun-sucker.
Sooo what’s the solution to all this?  I have no idea...

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