gym rat
Weeee! I did NOT want to go to the gym AT ALL today!!! My motivation and energy were at dangerously low levels. I'm not kidding when I say that I sat in my car -- in the gym parking lot -- for well over before finally deciding to suck it up and workout... But I must say, I'm super happy that I did because I nailed my 5k training. Andddd I noticed that it is getting the teeniest tiniest bit easier to jog a mile. I'm starting to learn the importance of pace. In the past I've been too impatient/ambitious and wind up tiring myself out within the first 100 meters; I guess there really is merit in the expression: "slow and steady wins the race."
today's workout
- easy 1 mile warm-up
- sprint 100 meters
- walk 100 meters
- repeat sprint/walk combo 5 times